Thursday, October 15, 2009

Internet Cafes Suspended in Shangdong

All 21 Internet Cafes across Guanxian had been suspended by the Communism Party as a preemptive measure after a mother and her infant were killed by local 'Family Planning' officials.

The woman was about to deliver the baby when government officials rushed to the deliver bed to inject lethal drugs to kill the infant. The mother fought fiercely to protect her baby, and it took eight communists and three injections to kill the baby. The mother bled to death in the process.

Both Phoenix Net (Beijing backed) of Hong Kong and the China Youth Daily in Beijing reported the suspension of public Internet cafes, with no mentioning of the death of woman and her infant. Some traditional media blamed the brutal practice of the 'family planning' agencies without elaborating details (West China Metropolitan, Info Yunnan. Details of the incident had been posted to every corner of the Chinese online world, such as Tianya. Spokeswoman of the Communist Party stated the local government acted within its legal power to regulate Internet Cafes, which had become a major distraction to school children from their coursework.

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